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Savory Sweet Potato Waffles + Chimichurri

Happy post-thanksgiving! Who is still eating leftovers? I know I am! I had friendsgiving with a bunch of Californian transplants, who couldn't go home to sunnier skies and palm trees :P. But, I am super grateful for them, because they are such brilliant cooks and it is never a dull moment with my peeps. Plus, I got to take back a lot of leftovers, so I've been eating straight out of my fridge for 3 days! I'm still up to my knees in sweet potatoes though. I went through a sweet potato phase and ate one (or two?, who's counting?) everyday. Now I'm trying to sneak in my leftover yams into every meal!
I wanted to make something savory, because I made pumpkin pie for friendsgiving and still have so much left over, that my teeth hurt just thinking about it. I also wanted something breakfast-y, because my roommate and I have literally been in the same pajamas for the past few days and have yet to leave the house. Don't worry, our fridges are stocked and we actually did leave the house today because we were getting a little too claustrophobic in our apartment! So, I dusted my waffle iron and made some sweet potato waffles....savory style.
This works for already mashed up yams that you might have left over from Thanksgiving. If they are candied, just forgo the dried herbs I put it in the recipe, and drizzle them with maple syrup. It sounds strange, but they are SO GOOD with chimichurri. It is super refreshing to eat, and a huge contrast to all the butter, fat, sugar-laden food from Thanksgiving. Not that I'm complaining, but my sweatpants can only stretch out so much :P.
I've also been given this superb masher from Dreamfarm and I love using it. I've always used a fork to futilely hack away at potatoes, but this masher literally took seconds to squeeze my yams into a pulp through the cool metal spirals. It also has a plastic guard on the side, so it doesn't scratch up my bowls or cookware. Now, I'll be able to make guacamole in no time! I've never owned any kind of masher, so I've never known how easy it was to mash stuff with the right tools! I see a lot of mashing in my future :D. Thanks Dreamfarm!
I hope you guys are spending quality time with family and loved ones! I can't wait to be back in LA this Christmas! 

Savory Sweet Potato Waffles + Chimichurri

adapted from food52
makes 12-15 Belgian waffles

Sweet Potato Waffles
1-1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dried parsley or oregano
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
3/4 cup half and half
1-1/4 cups sweet potatoes, mashed (~2 medium yams)

2.5 cups parsley, chopped super tiny 
5-6 cloves garlic, minced ~ 2 tbsp
1 tbsp dried oregano
1/2 tbsp chili flakes
2 tsps salt
1 tsp pepper
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup extra light olive oil

  1. Chimichurri: you should make this first so that it can marinate a little in the fridge. Just chop up a bundle of parsley finely using a super sharp knife. I didn't use a food processor, because I don't like my sauce soup-y. And then, mix the first 6 ingredients together. Add in the red wine vinegar, stir. Drizzle in the olive oil (preferably extra light because you don't want an overpowering olive oil flavor). Add more salt and pepper to taste. Wrap and place in fridge. I also like to squirt some lemon juice (about 1 tbsp) in there too
  2. Preheat waffle oven. Mix dry ingredients in a large bowl (flour, baking powder and soda, salt, herbs). Mix wet ingredients (butter, brown sugar, eggs, half and half and sweet potatoes) in a separate bowl. (For the potatoes, I roasted 2 medium sized one in a 400F preheated oven for about 40min-1hr or until a knife easily went through it)
  3. Mix dry and wet mixes together until you get a smooth batter. Make waffles according to your waffle iron. You can keep a bunch warm in a 200F preheated oven
  4. Serve with chimichurri, baby radishes, feta and a fried egg, of course!

I developed this recipe for Dreamfarm; all opinions expressed are my own. I love their cute and innovative kitchen tools and especially their clever names :) Thank you for the support!


  1. Made a version of this and it was amazing. I made it in to "chicken" and waffles, since I am a vegetarian I used veggie chicken.
    The changes I made were:
    1 cup oats ground into flour
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    2 tbsp fresh parsley (using it in the Chimichurri so why not)
    1 egg & 1/4 cup egg whites
    1/2 cup almond milk
    1 large sweet potato
    I wanted the waffles to be really savoury plus eliminating the sugar and butter saves on calories.

    For the Chimichurri, I mostly followed as is - used only 1 tbsp oil then whizzed half of it.

    Then I grilled my fake chickens, topped the waffles in the chicken and sauce...AMAZING. Thanks so much

  2. I didn't eat savory sweet potato waffles but one of my friend ho also work with me in a content writing agency says the he made savory sweet potato waffles, so I say ok but now when comes to office so I must tell them that he will bring savory sweet potato waffles for me.

  3. The contrast between the earthy, subtly sweet waffles and the bold, zesty chimichurri is what makes this dish shine. It’s like a flavor symphony in your mouth.
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